Sea Battle Part 3: Riga

Our Ship left Stockholm with around 2000 students from across Scandinavia and the northern parts of Eastern Europe. I guess there were a few people who were on the ship as just a ferry, but I never actually saw anyone that did not look like one of the students. I stayed in a small cabin with three other people on the very bottom floor of the ship. We could barely fit in there along with our suitcases. The first night they had a buffet dinner for us and a bunch of events and parties planned throughout the evening.

The next morning we arrived at Riga at 10 AM. I signed up for a guided tour around the city so about two thirds of the six hours I had in Riga were on the tour through old Riga. It was a really beautiful area and the buildings were incredibly well preserved for being so old. After the tour I went to the St. Peter’s Cathedral. The cathedral is one of the tallest buildings in the area so you can get a great view of the city. I also stopped by a pancake restaurant that was recommended to me by a friend of Katie’s who is from Latvia. One great part about visiting Riga is it was so cheap compared to Trondheim. Getting pancakes was about about .60 Euro cents ($.85) per pancake and were really good! I also bought some great chocolate at a candy store.

The last night on the ship was another night of hanging out with all my friends on the ship. One fun thing we did was sumo wrestling. They had a sumo wrestling arena with these big cushioned costumes in the middle of one of the dining areas.

Although taking the train to Stockholm was nice, I am glad I got a flight back to Trondheim. The trains took a long time, especially through all of the mountains in Norway. I had a big project due right after I got back so I had to jump right back into school as soon as I got to Tronndheim.

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